2025 Pre-registration
Please read the disclaimer and agreement and cancellation policy carefully and enter the required details in the form that agreeing to them.
Please note that you must submit one form for each student (even if the students are siblings).
Pre-registration does not guarantee participation. Selection will be based on age, gender, and other criteria.
After completing the entry, an auto-reply email will be sent to the applicant's email address. If you do not receive it, please check the following and contact the Secretariat by email.
JINIS Camp Secretariat (summer@need-japan.com ) will later send you an email with the results of the selection process.
Notification of selection results:
Applications received between January 8 and February 10: Late February *The first round of applications has closed.
Applications received between February 11 and March 10: Late March
Applications received after March 11: Late April
*The schedule is subject to change. Please note that the schedule is subject to change.
Those whose participation has been confirmed will be informed about the payment of the registration fee. If payment is not received by the due date, your participation will be cancelled.
Those on the waiting list and those applying after late April will be notified in due course.
Notes on receiving emails
If you are using security settings
Please note that your security settings may be restricting the reception of e-mails. Please follow the instructions for the service you are using to set up your email settings to allow receipt of emails.
The email is being received in the spam folder
Depending on the settings of your device, your emails may be sorted into the 'Junk mail folder'. Please check whether or not the email is being sorted into the junk mail folder according to the receiving permission settings of your contracted carrier.
Insufficient free space on your device or email service
If there is insufficient free space on your device or email service (e.g. Gmail), you will also not be able to receive the message. Please ensure that you have enough free space before contacting us.
Received in a tab other than the main one in Gmail
Depending on your usage of Gmail, you may be sorted into tabs for categories such as 'Promotions'. Please check each tab and set the sorting to the main tab by referring to [Google Help Centre] if necessary.